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Home 9 Blog 9 Dealing with Broken or Jammed Locks: Troubleshooting Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Assess the Situation
  2. Lubricate the Lock
  3. Extracting a Broken Key
  4. Troubleshooting a Stuck Key
  5. Repairing a Misaligned Latch
  6. Resetting the Lock Mechanism
  7. Contacting a Professional Locksmith
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Locks play a crucial role in securing our homes and belongings, but encountering a broken or jammed lock can be a frustrating experience. Whether it’s a stuck key, a broken lock mechanism, or a misaligned latch, understanding how to troubleshoot and address these issues can save you time and money. In this blog post, brought to you by Emergency Local Locksmith, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help you deal with broken or jammed locks effectively.

1. Assess the Situation:
– Examine the lock and identify the specific issue, such as a stuck key, a broken key inside the lock, or a malfunctioning lock mechanism.
– Determine if the issue is limited to a single lock or if it affects multiple locks in your home.

2. Lubricate the Lock:
– Apply a silicone-based lubricant to the key and insert it into the lock. Gently wiggle the key while trying to turn it to loosen any debris or rust.
– If the lock mechanism is accessible, apply a small amount of lubricant directly into the keyhole.

Faulty lock



3. Extracting a Broken Key:
– If the key breaks inside the lock, use tweezers or needle-nose pliers to carefully extract the broken piece. Avoid using excessive force that could cause further damage.
– If you’re unable to remove the broken key or encounter difficulties, consider contacting a professional locksmith, such as Emergency Local Locksmith, for assistance.

4. Troubleshooting a Stuck Key:
– Gently jiggle and wiggle the key while applying slight pressure to see if it will release from the lock.
– Avoid excessive force, as it can bend or break the key. Instead, try using a lubricant or graphite powder to reduce friction.

5. Repairing a Misaligned Latch:
– Examine the door’s alignment and ensure it is properly aligned with the strike plate.
– If the latch does not engage smoothly, adjust the strike plate by loosening the screws and repositioning it to align properly with the latch.

6. Resetting the Lock Mechanism:
– Some lock mechanisms may get stuck due to internal issues. In such cases, use a screwdriver to remove the lock’s cover plate and access the internal components.
– Inspect for any visible obstructions, debris, or damaged parts. Clean the mechanism or replace any worn-out components as necessary.
– Follow the lock manufacturer’s instructions or consult a professional locksmith, like Emergency Local Locksmith, if you’re unsure about disassembling or reassembling the lock.

7. Contacting a Professional Locksmith:
– If you’ve tried troubleshooting the lock issue yourself without success or if you encounter a complex or severe lock problem, it’s advisable to contact a professional locksmith.
– Locksmiths, such as Emergency Local Locksmith, have the expertise and specialized tools to handle a wide range of lock-related issues safely and efficiently.

Dealing with broken or jammed locks can be a frustrating experience, but armed with the right knowledge and troubleshooting techniques, you can address these issues effectively. Remember to assess the situation, lubricate the lock, and carefully troubleshoot common problems such as stuck keys or misaligned latches. If needed, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from a professional locksmith, like Emergency Local Locksmith, who can provide expert guidance and resolve more complex lock issues. By taking prompt action, you can restore the security and functionality of your locks, ensuring peace of mind and safeguarding your home and possessions. For reliable locksmith services, visit Emergency Local Locksmith‘s website for more information.


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